Below is a list of organizations who may provide assistance or support to veterans in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
If your organization supports veterans in the local area and would like to be included on this list please contact us at
Inclusion on this list does not constitute an endorsement of services by Roll Call but is meant to provide a list of local agencies who may be able to assist veterans with various needs or who support veterans in various ways.
Adult Protective Services 1-800-252-5400
Area Agency on Agency (Tarrant County) 1-817-258-8081 – Benefits counseling on Medicaid/Medicare, Caregiver support
Catholic Charities of Fort Worth 1-817-534-0814 – Transportation to medical appointments
Choose Veterans Affairs Website – Various benefits available from the Department of Veterans Affairs
Fort Worth Veteran Services – Emergency financial relief and housing repairs if eligible. Must reside in Tarrant County
Handitran – Transportation in Arlington only 1-817-459-5390
Lifeline Emergency Response System 1-800-543-3546
Meals on Wheels 1-817-336-0912
National Medal of Honor Museum – Honors the recipients of our nations highest military decoration
Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans of Fort Worth – Free legal services 1-817-546-4460
Tarrant Cares – Tarrant Cares is an online information service for individuals, families, caregivers and agencies. This one resource will provide you with countless solutions for issues your family may be facing. You can also
create personal health records
Texas Veterans Commission 1-512-463-6564 – Disability claims, education, employment, health care and other support services. Crisis line 1-800-273-8255, then press 1
Texas Veterans Network – a statewide collaborative of more than 185 veteran-serving community-based organizations and government agencies that holistically serve the veteran and military community.
Veterans Benefits Guide – Guide produced by the Veterans Benefits Administration in coordination with Stars and Stripes explaining various benefits available to veterans.